
The property system is at the heart of DataConfig: serializer read from property system, while deserializer writes into it. This is directly reflected in the types:

// DataConfigCore/Public/DataConfig/Serialize/DcSerializeTypes.h
struct DATACONFIGCORE_API FDcSerializeContext
    // ...
    FDcPropertyReader* Reader = nullptr;
    FDcWriter* Writer = nullptr;

// DataConfigCore/Public/DataConfig/Deserialize/DcDeserializeTypes.h
struct DATACONFIGCORE_API FDcDeserializeContext
    FDcReader* Reader = nullptr;
    FDcPropertyWriter* Writer = nullptr;

Property Datum and Reader/Writer

Property reader/writer are usually constructed from a FDcPropertyDatum, which is a "fat pointer" that represents an entry in the property system.

// DataConfigCore/Public/DataConfig/Property/DcPropertyDatum.h
struct DATACONFIGCORE_API FDcPropertyDatum
    FFieldVariant Property;
    void* DataPtr;

Recall that DataConfig data model expands to a set of Read/Write calls. In the example below we setup a FDcPropertyReader with a simple struct and dump it out:

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestBlurb2.h
struct FDcTestExample2

    UPROPERTY() FString StrField;
    UPROPERTY() FString StrArrField[3];

    UPROPERTY() UDcBaseShape* InlineField;
    UPROPERTY() UDcTestClass1* RefField;
    // ...

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestBlurb2.cpp
FDcTestExample2 Value;

FDcPropertyDatum Datum(&Value);
FDcPropertyReader Reader(Datum);

The results are like this:

<StructRoot> 'DcTestExample2'
|---<Name> 'StrField'
|---<String> 'Foo'
|---<Name> 'StrArrField'
|   |---<String> 'One'
|   |---<String> 'Two'
|   |---<String> 'Three'
|---<Name> 'InlineField'
|---<ClassRoot> 'DcShapeSquare'
|   |---<Name> 'Radius'
|   |---<Float> '2.000000'
|   |---<Name> 'ShapeName'
|   |---<Name> 'MyBox'
|---<ClassEnd> 'DcBaseShape'
|---<Name> 'RefField'
|---<ClassRoot> 'DcTestClass1'
|   |---<ObjectReference> '337' 'DcTestClass1_0'
|---<ClassEnd> 'DcTestClass1'
<StructEnd> 'DcTestExample2'

Some caveats:

  • Note that DcTestExample2::StrArrField is dumped into a array. Note that DataConfig can't distinguish between Foo and Foo[1] that's a 1 element array. It would be read as a normal field.

  • Note that DcTestExample2::InlineField is expanded and DcTestExample2::RefField is read as an reference. This is determined by FDcPropertyConfig::ExpandObjectPredicate, which by default expands:

    • Field marked with UPROPERTY(Instanced)
    • Class marked with UCLASS(DefaultToInstanced, EditInlineNew)

Configuring with FDcPropertyConfig

Property reader/writer accepts FDcPropertyConfig class for customizing behaviors. By default we've implemented DcSkip metadata that you can mark on given reader/writer.URPOPERTY() and the field would be skipped by given reader/writer:

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestProperty3.h
struct FDcTestMeta1

    UPROPERTY(meta = (DcSkip)) int SkipField1;

Though that DcSkip behavior is enabled by default, you can override this with a custom FPropertyConfig instance. Here's an example of processing only fields with DcTestSerialize meta:

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestProperty4.h
struct FDcTestSerializeMeta1

	UPROPERTY(meta = (DcTestSerialize)) int SerializedField;
	UPROPERTY() int IgnoredField;

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestProperty4.cpp
FDcPropertyConfig Config;
//  only process fields that has `DcTestSerialize` meta
Config.ProcessPropertyPredicate = FDcProcessPropertyPredicateDelegate::CreateLambda([](FProperty* Property)
    const static FName TestSerializeMeta = FName(TEXT("DcTestSerialize"));
    return DcPropertyUtils::IsEffectiveProperty(Property)
        && Property->HasMetaData(TestSerializeMeta);
Config.ExpandObjectPredicate = FDcExpandObjectPredicateDelegate::CreateStatic(DcPropertyUtils::IsSubObjectProperty);

Pipe Property Handlers

There's a set of deserialize handlers in DcPropertyPipeHandlers namespace. It's used to roundtripping property system objects.

Simply speaking it's equivalent to doing a FDcPipeVisitor pipe visit.

//  DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestBlurb.cpp
//  these two blocks are equivalent
    FDcPropertyReader Reader(FromDatum);
    FDcPropertyWriter Writer(ToDatum);
    FDcPipeVisitor RoundtripVisit(&Reader, &Writer);


    FDcDeserializer Deserializer;

    FDcPropertyReader Reader(FromDatum);
    FDcPropertyWriter Writer(ToDatum);

    FDcDeserializeContext Ctx;
    Ctx.Reader = &Reader;
    Ctx.Writer = &Writer;
    Ctx.Deserializer = &Deserializer;


These are provided as a set of basis to for building custom property wrangling utils. See Field Renamer for example.