Blueprint Nodes

We have a set of blueprint nodes that's have similar API as built-in JsonBlueprintUtilities plugin:

Blueprint Nodes

DumpDataConfig Dump Object To JSONDump UObject to a JSON string.
DumpDataConfig Dump Value To JSONDump arbitrary value to a JSON string.
LoadDataConfig Load Object From JSONLoad data to UObject from a JSON string.
LoadDataConfig Load Value From JSONLoad data to arbitrary value from a JSON String

Some caveats:

  • The Dump/Load Object APIs always expand the root level object, even if it's a external object reference or an asset. These are by default serialized to a string by DataConfig. Also the Self pin only works with these due to some BP limitations.
  • Most extra examples are integrated into these nodes so you can try them out without writing C++ code.
  • Error diagnostic is also wired up to message log: Blueprint Nodes Diagnostics