C++ Integration
The main entry point for C++ integration is the DcJsonAssetRuntime
module. The most straight forward way to integrate is to add DcJsonAssetRuntime
to your game module's Game.Build.cs
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class DcProjectGame : ModuleRules
public DcProjectGame(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
// ...
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {
"DcJsonAssetRuntime", // <-- add reference here
Then in your game module you can subclass UDcImportedDataAsset
or UDcPrimaryImportedDataAsset
to start structuring your data:
// DcJsonAssetTests/Private/DcTestImports1.h
class UDcJsonAssetTestPrimaryDataAsset1 : public UDcPrimaryImportedDataAsset
// ...
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="DcJsonAsset|Tests") FName AlphaName;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="DcJsonAsset|Tests") bool AlphaBool;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="DcJsonAsset|Tests") FString AlphaStr;
If you're already deriving UDataAsset
in your projects and wants to adapt them to be importable, you can implement IDcImportedInterface
interface and the editor tooling would be able to detect them automatically. This is actually how UDcImportedDataAsset
and UDcPrimaryImportedDataAsset
are implemented:
// DcJsonAssetRuntime/Public/DcImportedInterface.h
// ...
virtual void GetAssetRegistryTags(TArray<UObject::FAssetRegistryTag>& OutTags) const = 0;
virtual UAssetImportData* GetAssetImportData() const = 0;
virtual void SetAssetImportData(UAssetImportData* NewAssetImportData) = 0;
// DcJsonAssetRuntime\Public\DcImportedDataAsset.h
class DCJSONASSETRUNTIME_API UDcImportedDataAsset : public UDataAsset, public IDcImportedInterface
// ...
void GetAssetRegistryTags(TArray<FAssetRegistryTag>& OutTags) const override;
UAssetImportData* GetAssetImportData() const override;
void SetAssetImportData(UAssetImportData* NewAssetImportData) override;
/** Importing data and options used for this asset */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Instanced, Category = ImportSettings)
class UAssetImportData* AssetImportData;
Blueprint Integration
We strongly recommend you author DataAsset classes in C++. It's more resilient and easier to debug this way. However Blueprint DataAsset, and Blueprint Enum/Struct etc are well supported and tested.
Create a Blueprint class and use DcPrimaryImportedDataAsset
as base class:
The Blueprint Class can be used as a normal DataAsset. Note that the Asset Import Data
is derived from the base class, which is needed for reimport and change detection.