Deserialize JSON

DataConfig bundles a set of JSON deserialize handlers. Setup by calling DcSetupJsonDeserializeHandlers():

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestBlurb.cpp
#include "DataConfig/Deserialize/DcDeserializerSetup.h"

//  create and setup a deserializer
FDcDeserializer Deserializer;


JSON types get mapped into DataConfig data model in a very unsurprising way.

JSON TypeDcDataEntry
StringString, Name, Text, Enum
Number(All numerics)
ArrayArray, Set
ObjectClass, Struct, Map

Here's an example:

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestDeserialize.cpp
FString Str = TEXT(R"(
        "BoolField" : true,
        "NameField" : "AName",
        "StringField" : "AStr",
        "TextField" : "AText",
        "EnumField" : "Tard",

        "FloatField" : 17.5,
        "DoubleField" : 19.375,

        "Int8Field" : -43,
        "Int16Field" : -2243,
        "Int32Field" : -23415,
        "Int64Field" : -1524523,

        "UInt8Field" : 213,
        "UInt16Field" : 2243,
        "UInt32Field" : 23415,
        "UInt64Field" : 1524523,

//  deserialized equivelent

FDcTestStruct1 Expect;
Expect.BoolField = true;
Expect.NameField = TEXT("AName");
Expect.StringField = TEXT("AStr");
Expect.TextField = FText::FromString(TEXT("AText"));
Expect.EnumField = EDcTestEnum1::Tard;

Expect.FloatField = 17.5f;
Expect.DoubleField = 19.375;

Expect.Int8Field = -43;
Expect.Int16Field = -2243;
Expect.Int32Field = -23415;
Expect.Int64Field = -1524523;

Expect.UInt8Field = 213;
Expect.UInt16Field = 2243,
Expect.UInt32Field = 23415;
Expect.UInt64Field = 1524523;

Enum Flags

UENUM that get marked with Bitflags meta are deserialized from a list of strings:

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Public/DcTestDeserialize.h
UENUM(meta = (Bitflags))
enum class EDcTestEnumFlag :uint32
    None    = 0,
    One     = (1 << 0),
    Two     = (1 << 1),

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestDeserialize.cpp
FString Str = TEXT(R"(
        "EnumFlagField1" : [],
        "EnumFlagField2" : ["One", "Three", "Five"],

//  deserialized equivelent
FDcTestStructEnumFlag1 Expect;
Expect.EnumFlagField1 = EDcTestEnumFlag::None;
Expect.EnumFlagField2 = EDcTestEnumFlag::One | EDcTestEnumFlag::Three | EDcTestEnumFlag::Five;

Sub Objects

By default We treat UOBJECT marked with DefaultToInstanced, EditInlineNew and UPROPERTY marked with Instanced as sub object. In this case we'll actually instantiate new object during deserialization, using Ctx.TopObject() as parent:

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Public/DcTestProperty.h
UCLASS(BlueprintType, EditInlineNew, DefaultToInstanced)
class UDcBaseShape : public UObject
    UPROPERTY() FName ShapeName;

class UDcShapeBox : public UDcBaseShape
    UPROPERTY() float Height;
    UPROPERTY() float Width;

class UDcShapeSquare : public UDcBaseShape
    UPROPERTY() float Radius;

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Public/DcTestDeserialize.h
struct FDcTestStructShapeContainer1

    UPROPERTY() UDcBaseShape* ShapeField1;
    UPROPERTY() UDcBaseShape* ShapeField2;
    UPROPERTY() UDcBaseShape* ShapeField3;
struct FDcEditorExtraTestObjectRefs1

    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField1;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField2;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField3;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField4;

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestDeserialize.cpp
FString Str = TEXT(R"(
        "ShapeField1" :  {
            "$type" : "DcShapeBox",
            "ShapeName" : "Box1",
            "Height" : 17.5,
            "Width" : 1.9375
        "ShapeField2" : {
            "$type" : "DcShapeSquare",
            "ShapeName" : "Square1",
            "Radius" : 1.75,
        "ShapeField3" : null

//  deserialized equivelent
UDcShapeBox* Shape1 = NewObject<UDcShapeBox>();
Shape1->ShapeName = TEXT("Box1");
Shape1->Height = 17.5;
Shape1->Width = 1.9375;
Expect.ShapeField1 = Shape1;

UDcShapeSquare* Shape2 = NewObject<UDcShapeSquare>();
Shape2->ShapeName = TEXT("Square1");
Shape2->Radius = 1.75;
Expect.ShapeField2 = Shape2;

Expect.ShapeField3 = nullptr;

Note that the sub object criteria can be easily overridden with a new deserialize predicate or alternative FDcPropertyConfig when constructing the reader.

Object and Class Reference

We support multiple ways of referencing a UObject in memory or serialized on disk:

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigEditorExtra/Private/DataConfig/EditorExtra/Tests/DcTestDeserializeEditor.h
struct FDcEditorExtraTestObjectRefs1

    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField1;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField2;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField3;
    UPROPERTY() UObject* ObjField4;

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigEditorExtra/Private/DataConfig/EditorExtra/Tests/DcTestDeserializeEditor.cpp
FString Str = TEXT(R"(
        "ObjField1" : "DcEditorExtraNativeDataAsset'/DataConfig/DcFixture/DcTestNativeDataAssetAlpha.DcTestNativeDataAssetAlpha'",
        "ObjField2" : "/DataConfig/DcFixture/DcTestNativeDataAssetAlpha",
        "ObjField3" : 
            "$type" : "DcEditorExtraNativeDataAsset",
            "$path" : "/DataConfig/DcFixture/DcTestNativeDataAssetAlpha"
        "ObjField4" : null,

//  deserialized equivelent
UDcEditorExtraNativeDataAsset* DataAsset = Cast<UDcEditorExtraNativeDataAsset>(StaticLoadObject(

Expect.ObjField1 = DataAsset;
Expect.ObjField2 = DataAsset;
Expect.ObjField3 = DataAsset;
Expect.ObjField4 = nullptr;

In the example above, ObjField1 is using the reference string that can be retrieved in editor context menu:


For ObjField2/ObjField3 it's using a relative path to the uasset but without file name suffix.

We also support class reference fields of TSubclassOf<>s:

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestDeserialize.h
struct FDcTestStructSubClass1

    UPROPERTY() TSubclassOf<UStruct> StructSubClassField1;
    UPROPERTY() TSubclassOf<UStruct> StructSubClassField2;
    UPROPERTY() TSubclassOf<UStruct> StructSubClassField3;

// DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestDeserialize.cpp
FString Str = TEXT(R"(
        "StructSubClassField1" : null,
        "StructSubClassField2" : "ScriptStruct",
        "StructSubClassField3" : "DynamicClass",

//  deserialized equivelent
FDcTestStructSubClass1 Expect;
Expect.StructSubClassField1 = nullptr;
Expect.StructSubClassField2 = UScriptStruct::StaticClass();
Expect.StructSubClassField3 = UDynamicClass::StaticClass();

Note that these do not support Blueprint classes. The direct reason is that Blueprint depends on Engine module and we'd like not to take dependency on in DataConfigCore.

We do have an example that supports Blueprint classes, see DataConfigEditorExtra - DcDeserializeBPClass.h/cpp


Here're some closing notes:

  • For meta fields like $type we require it to be the first member, meaning object fields are order dependent. This means that the JSON we're supporting is a super set of standard JSON spec (again).

  • There're many data types that can not be deserialized from JSON, for example Delegate/WeakObjectReference. Remember that you always have the option to override or selectively enable the handlers to support additional property that makes sense in your context. See DcSetupJsonDeserializeHandlers() body how handlers are registered. You can skip this method and select the ones you want and provide additional handlers.

  • The JSON handlers are designed to NOT read anything during the deserialization. This is crucial since USTRUCT can contain uninitialized fields. For example:

    // DataConfig/Source/DataConfigTests/Private/DcTestBlurb.cpp
    FString Str = TEXT(R"(
            // pass
    FDcJsonReader Reader(Str);
    FDcTestExampleSimple Dest;
    FDcPropertyDatum DestDatum(FDcTestExampleSimple::StaticStruct(), &Dest);
    DC_TRY(DcAutomationUtils::DeserializeJsonInto(&Reader, DestDatum));
    //  but Dest.IntField contains uninitialized value
    // dump results
    <StructRoot> 'DcTestExampleSimple'
    |---<Name> 'StrField'
    |---<String> ''
    |---<Name> 'IntField'
    |---<Int32> '1689777552' // <- arbitrary value
    <StructEnd> 'DcTestExampleSimple'

    This would cause trouble when you try read a pointer field during deserialization. Remember that primitive fields might be uninitialized during deserialization when implementing your own handlers.

  • One interesting trait of the pull/push styled API is that FDcJsonReader does not preemptively parse number into double and convert it to int/float later on. When reading a number token it would do the number parsing at call site. If ReadIntX() is called then the number is parsed as integer. If ReadFloat()/ReadDouble() is called the token will be parsed as floating point.